Prezi’s Staff Picks: IBM leaders share how to connect with your audience

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In an increasingly digital-first world, it’s more important than ever to foster a feeling of connection. That’s because if your audience doesn’t feel connected, they’re just going to turn their attention elsewhere. 

But simply saying “know your audience” is easier said than done. That’s why we turned to leaders at tech giant IBM to share Prezi videos with their insights around tailoring your message to fit your audience. Watch these videos for actionable tips and best practices. 

3 simple tips to capture attention

Seven seconds is the average length of a news soundbite, and it’s also called a “hot start” — if you can’t get someone’s attention within those first few seconds, they’re highly unlikely to finish watching your video or presentation. 

That’s where Tara Moody, the Marketing Experiences Program Lead at IBM, comes in — in her Prezi video, she shares three tips to help you form a solid connection with your audience and prevent them from tuning out. Whether you’re telling a story or sharing your passion, Tara’s tips will guide you in creating compelling content. 

5 ways to get Gen Z to listen

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Gen Z makes up a huge part of the population now, so if you’re outside of this generation, it’s crucial to learn how to speak to them effectively. After all, Gen Z is full of digital natives who are savvy with social media — if you don’t speak to their values or the way they like to consume content, they’re not going to stick around. 

Spencer Barnardo, the Talent Strategy Program Manager at IBM, has created recruiting programs, training curricula, and content that target Gen Z. In her video, she provides five ways to speak Gen Z’s language, from making your content interactive and bite-sized to being authentic. 

3 tactics to cater to a B2B audience

When it comes to content, we often think of our target audience as just waiting to consume the content we share. But in B2B, those customers want you to prove that your content is valuable to them before they’ll even consider looking at it. 

Sara Felsenstein, the Content Director at IBM, understands how to really get to know your audience in the B2B space, and shares three tactics in her Prezi video. You’ll learn the importance of talking to experts, attending industry events, and using social media effectively. 

To learn more about how Prezi can help you stay connected with your team and customers and communicate more effectively in a virtual workplace, check out this short demo or contact us to speak to someone directly.

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